Kirk Cameron talks about Fireproof Movie on Today Show

I really enjoyed this interview. I got to be on the set in Georgia when they were filming part of the movie and was so impressed with everyone on the cast. Kirk Cameron was just as you see him in this interview: humble and passionate about God and family.

Remember that you can download a free sample of The Love Dare here

If you are looking for sermon or teaching ideas to follow up viewings of The Fireproof Movie you can access a free sermon by Michael Catt in LifeWay's Proclaim Online ...

Access the free sermon and free PowerPoint now called Fireproof Your Marriage by Michael Catt (Michael is Executive Producer of Fireproof and the Sr. Pastor at Sherwood Baptist Church)

The sermon is adapted from Michael's book Fireproof Your Life. For more information regarding Fireproof Your Life by Michael Catt, visit


Pat R said…
I just got back from watching Fireproof... the over all message was solid for sure; it's great that such a different-flavored movie made it into the regular, big screen.

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