I was working from home yesterday before attending the funeral of a friend and co-worker. I was working at our dining room table across from my sweet wife, Barbara, when I got the following RightNow (our online help system) question from a pastor: I am trying to find sample job descriptions for paid staff in a small to medium SBC church (e.g. Pastor, Youth Minister, Church Secretary, Financial Secretary, Minister of Music, Instrumentalist, Sound Technician, etc.) I figure if one person asks, it must be on other people's minds as well. Here's what I posted for him: First, I suggest you get a copy of Career Crossover: Leaving the Marketplace for Ministry , by Tom Harper. It has some of the best job descriptions I've seen as a part of the Appendixes starting on page 144. These are better than any I have seen online. I have a sample of the book posted in our LifeWay online catalog . If you're looking for a site where churches have shared their job descriptions, our friends