How Not to Leave Destruction as Your Leave

I just read a news text update on my phone: "Russians withdraw from Georgia, leave as much destruction as possible as they go." How I hurt for the innocent people hurt by this conflict.

I thought about how we are tempted to do the same thing when we are backing out of a conflict, leaving a job after quitting or being fired, or leaving a place of ministry.

I was reminded of an article I posted by Pastor Calvin Wittman titled, "How to Leave Your Church With Grace."

If you find yourself in the position of having to leave or wanting to leave very badly and finally getting the opportunity here are a few things to consider.
  1. Recognize that the church still belongs to God and only He can make it what it should be.
  2. Forgive those who have wronged you.
  3. Let your parting words reflect the grace of God not a grudge of the flesh.
Who you really are is best seen in the midst of difficulty. As you leave, even if you are leaving under fire, make a conscious choice to leave under grace.

Read the whole article: How to Leave Your Church With Grace


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