7 Reasons to use the Telephone instead of Email

A new book just hit the shelves called Send: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home (Knopf, April 2007). It's written by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe. You may read an excerpt here.

I found a good article on NPR.org that reviewed the book. Their article included "Seven Reasons to use the Telephone instead of Email."
  1. When you need to convey or discern emotion.
  2. When you need to cut through the communication forest.
  3. When you need to move fast.
  4. When you want a remote communication to be private.
  5. When you need to reach someone who doesn't check their email.
  6. When you want people to be able immediately to engage and respond.
  7. When you need to send a harsh email, you can soften the blow (or distance yourself from it) by calling first with advance warning.
You can read the article here...

As pastors, we need to be very careful about the use of e-mail.


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