5 Enemies of Staff Unity

Today in staff meeting at Gladeville Baptist Church I began the meeting by sharing some insights from Dave Ramsey (he shared these at Catalyst '08). He discussed the unbelievable power of unity for a church staff team or any type of staff team.

He stated that few churches or organizations experience real unity and shared five enemies to unity on a church staff team ...
  1. Poor Communication
    Dave stated "when the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, strife sets in"

  2. Gossip
    Ramsey said gossip is when a negative comment is discussed with anyone who can't help solve the problem

  3. Unresolved disagreements
    He said "this happens when a leader doesn't know they exist or avoids confrontation"

  4. Lack of shared purpose
    Dave said "this happens when the leader doesn't restate the goal, the vision, and the mission early and often"

  5. Sanctioned incompetence
    Ramsey defined this as "keeping an inefficient team member because we feel sorry for them"


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