The Pastor and His Prayer Life

In case you don't get my e-newsletter, this was the feature and is on my heart today.

Pastor, as I prepared to preach a sermon on prayer last week, I got out two resources that have shaped my prayer life. The first was T.W. Hunt's Disciple's Prayer Life. This in-depth 13-week study would be the perfect daily study and prayer guide for you personally for the next three months. I am going through it for the fourth time and am amazed at how fresh it is. I got permission to post a 22-page sample including the introduction, first complete week of daily studies, and one of the twelve prayer guides.

The other study shaped how I pray with others. It is T.W. Hunt and Claude King's "In God's Presence." The cool thing is that this study has been revised and is now part of our "Growing Disciples Series." The new study called Pray in Faith just released this month and I've posted a 17-page sample including the introduction and week one. I personally led this study when I first got to the church that I served before coming to LifeWay. It established a biblical pattern for group prayer for the nine years I served there.


Craig Webb, Editor
View back issues of Pastors Today here


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