Hydrate Your Soul, New Sermons Posted for June

Pastor Steve Andrews serves in the deep south where it's hot and humid in the summer. So last summer he treated his church to a refreshing series of sermons dealing with Bible passages that have to do with water.

Steve says, "Every soul thirsts for love, joy, peace, and purpose, but only the living water of Jesus Christ can quench a thirsty soul." He sent me four of these sermons to post as our Extra! sermons for June. I've included downloadable manuscripts, images, and a powerpoint template.
  • Streams of Blessings, Psalm 1
  • The Water of Worship, John 4
  • Redig The Wells, Genesis 26
  • Reclaiming The Cutting Edge, 2 Kings 6
You may access them on the EXTRA! Sermon Helps page


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