
Showing posts from November, 2007

Prayer Guide: Praying for Missionaries

Pastor, I know it was not an accident that I was on week 12 of Disciple's Prayer Life by T.W. Hunt and Catherine Walker this week. December 2-9, 2007 is the Week of Prayer for International Missions (learn more at ). Throughout this chapter, I've been learning new things about praying for Missionaries. What helped me most was something that Hunt and Walker call "The Apostle Paul's A - F Prayer Requests for Missionaries." It's a handy guide to topics you can pray for as you lift up missionaries to the Lord. Here are the basics. Pray for ... A cceptance by coworkers - other believers (Rom. 15:31b) B oldness in witnessing (Eph. 6:19) C larity in communicating (Col. 4:4) D eliverance from evil (Rom. 15:31a) E xtension of the ministry (Col. 4:2-3) F ruitfulness in spiritual endeavors (2 Thess. 3:1) Hunt and Walker have a whole week dedicated to learning about this as well as a Prayer Guide with more like the "A-F." I've posted Prayer G...

David Jeremiah on Giving Thanks

I am thankful for David Jeremiah. He always has great insights like the one I saw this morning in Baptist Press . This would be an excellent outline for a Bible study or sermon on thanksgiving. In the article he quotes the following verses: "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4) "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). He says, "The word "joy" occurs 181 times in the Bible, and the theme of thanksgiving is woven like a golden ribbon throughout the fabric of Scripture. He wants to hear our doubts, fears, and questions; but He especially desires our praise! He seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. When is it appropriate to praise and thank God?" Every morning and every night At midnight At meals When we pray In every word and deed In time and in eternity Read the whole article on